The Unsung Hero for February 2025 is…..Ellie Jasmer!

An Unsung Hero is someone who donates their time and/or talents to a cause without the expectation of recognition or reward. The Adventure Café and Grill’s Unsung Hero Award is our chance to shine a light on those who make meaningful contributions to causes in the Mother Lode. Please click here and fill out our nomination form. A rule of thumb – we will be looking for volunteers who tend to do their work behind the scenes rather than those who are in positions of leadership. Thank you for contributing!

Ellie Jasmer

Ellie is a certified nurse midwife who founded and continues to operate the Sierra Natural Birth Center. Over her inspiring career, Ellie has guided over twelve hundred babies through the miracle of birth while providing all important prenatal care to families. Some of these families come from over 100 miles away to take advantage of her vast experience. In addition she has also mentored new generations of midwives through rigorous training necessary to provide safe, empowering birth experiences.

Ellie truly exemplifies an Unsung Hero.

Nominated by Elizabeth Vass



Posted in Alisha.