Hard Working Man Contest

hwmpic2016 Today’s Country 93.5 KKBN would like to celebrate the HARD WORKING MAN in your Life!

No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living…  KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form below and email us his picture to hwm@kkbn.com today.   

Join us on Wednesday’s as we honor a  HARD WORKING MAN!  He’ll receive a special prize package!

The Morning show host will celebrate a Hard Working Man on KKBN Every Wednesday Morning at 6:50 and 7:50!  Only on the Hardest Working Radio Station in the Mother Lode Today’s Country 93.5 KKBN

The HARD WORKING MAN CONTEST is brought to you in part by…

Pine Alley Saw Shop

Pine Alley Saw Shop – 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

Call (209) 984-3863


Nate's Tree Service

Nate’s Tree Service – For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460


    KKBN Hard Working Man Winners

    • Hard Working Man 02.05.25
      Jason Benicki.     I am nominating my father, Jason Benicki. This man has given his all to make sure his kids strong and selfless. Over the years my dad has helped raise 5 tough but loving kids. He works all day at Hetch Hetchy as a maintenance mechanic and still comes home to renovate our house and teach us all the important things kids these days should know. When he’s not working or caring for his family, he’s teaching at Motherlode wrestling club, the youth wrestling program he runs to keep wrestling alive among the kiddos, or teaching wrestling at Sonora High. Many people look up to my dad but me most of all. My dad taught me to hunt, fish, cook and grow my own food. But he’s also made sure I can repair and maintain my truck, motorcycle, and now my first home of my own. He’s made sure us kids are knowledgeable and safe with guns and bows. He’s the most selfless man I’ve met, who always goes out of his way to leave the world a better place than he found it. He taught us to survive in the woods and navigate the city, and he’s also made sure we know just how proud of us he is with every achievement we make along the way. He has taught us kids that fear is an obstacle anyone can overcome, and that it’s still okay to be scared anyway. My father is by far the hardest working man. Aspin
      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...
      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 01.29.25

      Bill Gentry

      I am nominating my Husband as hard-working man because if anyone deserves it it’s him! He works all day as a mechanic at Sierra Motors, then comes home and is a dad. This man loves all the kiddos equally even the ones that aren’t his blood. He’s an amazing husband and father and deserves to be recognized.

      Chantelle Fontana

      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 01.15.25

      JLondon Olson


      JLondon Olson is one the most dedicated hard-working men I know. He works as an EMT Supervisor at Chicken Ranch over nights. He is a dedicated dad to two girls and picks them up every day from school and he never misses a game or a play. He is so dedicated to his family and works so hard. No matter how tired he is, he shows up every day and is the back bone to our family.

      Jennifer Olson

      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 01.08.25

      Chuck Tombe

      My husband Chuck is the hardest working man I know. He has worked his whole life to spoil me and make my dreams come true. He has also worked hard to raise our four children and make their dreams come true as well. We have two adopted and two biological that are all grown now and moved out except for one. Thats when we moved up to Sonora and started raising our little farm animals. Chuck works hard  at a cannery in Oakdale sometimes 6 to seven days a week and then comes home to work on our property building shelters for our animals . Chuck is by far my most favorite person and I’m so blessed to have been married to him for 34 years.

      Angela Tombe

      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 1.01.25

      Norman Durkee

      My husband Norman is a hardworking man who loves the Lord. He is self-employed as a product manager, a deli clerk. and an artist who loves to give the community and kids something to enjoy. He works hard to provide for his family no matter how tired he is. He is an amazing husband, father, and man of God and we couldn’t be prouder. Your hard work doesn’t go noticed babe and I’m so proud of you.


      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 12.18.24

      Brandon Richards


      I would like to nominate my husband as the most hard working man of the Year! Brandon continues to put the needs of others before is own time and time again. Brandon works 7 days a week to provide a life of luxury for his family, and still finds the energy to help with household chores when he gets home. He is currently working 15 hour days to create our dream home. Brandon will do anything for his family just to see us happy and content. I have never in my life met a man as strong and bold yet loving and soft for his family. He is truly a gift from God and deserves to be praised everyday!

      Amariah Richards

      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 12.11.24

      Brian Goss

       Brian is the hardest working human  have ever met. He puts everything in what he does! There isn’t one thing he can’t do at the Murphys Historic Hotel from banquets to payroll he does it all! And even after working 50 plus hours he goes home and takes care of his family. Always happy and smiling! He’s really the best role model for any working person. And definitely Superman to his kids!

      Kelli  Chapman

      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 12.04.24

      Wyatt Wunder


      Wyatt is the most caring, supportive and hardest working man I know. Wyatt works hard 5 days a week in construction whether its under houses, or on the roof and everything in between and then comes he home to be the best dad to our girls. Whether its building forts, letting them do his hair and nails or teaching then to ride dirt bikes he is always there for them. Not only is he an amazing father he is the best husband, I am the luckiest person to be the one he loves. Wyatt constantly puts others before himself, his love for God, his family and friends is admirable. He is so humble and deserves to be the hardest working man because he always puts us first ❤️ We love you Wyatt Forever! Thank you.

      Shylynn Wunder

      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 11.27.24

      Bruce Dudley

      My Dad is the absolute ROCK of our family. Quick to help anyone out & put others before himself at the drop of a hat. Always calm, positive, humble, selfless, smart & caring not only to his family, but the entire Tuolumne community through his volunteer work for the Sheriff Community Safety Unit, Safety Advisory Board, 49er Festival, Animal Rescues & numerous elderly neighbors that need any assistance … & that’s supposed to be retired after 35 years at the phone company … Still out there Hardworking!

      We love you to pieces Papa Bear!

      Love – Sandi, Mike, Mom, Aly, Dave & Erin

      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460

    • Hard Working Man 11.20.24

      Bryan Dubois

      We met almost 2 years ago now, we just got engaged and will be married in January. 

      He is such a hard worker that when we first met, I didn’t think he’d have time for me; but I was wrong!! He works as a personal aid for adults with mental disabilities in the evenings, works part time during the day as a handyman, (seriously, this guy can fix anything!) and just started working in the financial industry helping families with life insurance, pre-paid legal, senior health, home security, and more to come as he gets his licenses. Aside from all of that, he still makes time to keep himself healthy by going to the gym, and to spend time with the people he loves with all his heart!!

      When my dad comes to visit, he will even take an evening off to play card games with us (at my dad’s request). I live with, and take care of my grandmother with advanced Alzheimer’s, she simply adores him, and he’s just the sweetest with her. Someday, when our caretaking days are behind us, we’ll expand the financial industry and he can take a step back from the handyman stuff, but for now; he’s the hardest working man I know!

      Jamie Mayne

      Do You Know a Hard Working Man? No matter what your HARD WORKING MAN does for a living… KKBN wants you to nominate him by filling out the form here and he will receive...

      Pine Alley Saw Shop

      A gift from Pine Alley Saw Shop - 2nd Generation Owned and Operated in Jamestown

      Call (209) 984-3863

      Nate's Tree Service

      A gift fromNate’s Tree Service - For all your Tree Service Needs – call (209) 532-2460