KKBN Hard Working Man(910.14)


I would like to nominate my husband, Daniel Cover, for the Hard Working Man Contest.

Daniel is not only a hard working man, he is also a hard working husband and father! We have 3 children and Daniel is a very involved dad. He likes to take our 2 boys in his roll-off truck and he has so enjoyed having a new baby girl!

Daniel works hard for us all day and still makes the time to help his family. He just finished helping his parents on their addition to their house and his in-laws with their playhouse for the grandkids! He is so invaluable in any situation.

When I heard about this contest I knew I had to tell you about my husband! He LOVES to work hard and I know he is doing it all for me and our 3 children. I would love for everyone to know how much I appreciate him!

~Daniel’s wife, AnnaMarie

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Posted in Hard Working Man.