

(PicktheBrain) We all hate conflict, but sometimes it’s impossible to avoid. So, how do you deal with it? Here are seven helpful ways:

  1. Stay calm — It’s not always easy to stay calm when you’re having a disagreement with someone, but if you can remain calm. . . the other person should calm down a lot faster.
  2. Let them do the talking — Just chill out and let them spill out whatever it is they have to say. They’ll get tired of talking eventually. Sometimes all they’re looking for is someone to listen to them.
  3. Consider what they’re saying — Even if what they’re saying is completely ridiculous, put yourself in their shoes. Never say, “You’re wrong”.
  4. Let them know you hear them — Tell them that you understand what they’re saying to you. It’s possible that all they want is to be validated.
  5. Don’t let them verbally abuse you — If the conversation comes to this… put an immediate STOP to it. Tell them they’re getting into a shady area… and you’ll talk to them when they calm down.
  6. Take responsibility if you’re wrong — If you know you’re wrong… let them know that you made some mistakes… and you’ll do whatever it takes to fix it.

    7. Visualize them in a good setting — This might seem a little weird, but if you deal with them on a daily basis… start visualizing them in a nicer setting… like playing at the park with their kids. It’ll be easier to handle them.

Posted in Big Joe.